Westfort Hospital was started in the year 1989 to cater medical, diagnostic and surgical care services to the community at Thrissur and neighbouring districts in Kerala. It is further expanded to one more Allopathy and Ayurveda hospitals founded by Westfort Hospital Group so as to meet the changing health needs of the society. As these hospitals were growing as the leading hospitals in the District, Westfort Hospital Group Management extended its horizon of activities to various other fields like health management, management studies, information technology, hospitality, guest care and tourism etc. with a view to offer wider choice of subjects to studies to the student community of the state and to facilitative quality care under one roof.
Our mission is to provide quality nursing care to the patients admitted in Westfort Group of Hospitals. To realize our mission and vision we started the School of Nursing in the Year 1994, with an intake of 20 students in the first batch. The statutory bodies like INC, KNC has approved our institution which is presently situated at Pottore, in the WAHE campus with an annual intake of 55 students per batch.
To compound our Nursing Education, we started B.Sc. Nursing programme in the year 2002with an annual intake of 50 students. Further to bring the Diploma Nurses to the Degree level to took interest in upward mobility in Nursing Education and started Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing in the year 2005 with an annual intake of 20 per batch and now it has been enhanced to 30 students.
With the vision of achieving a centre of excellence in Nursing Education we started M.Sc.Nursing programme in the year 2009, with various specialties namely Medical Surgical Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing and Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing with an annual intake of 4 students in each specialty. M.Sc.Nursing in Psychiatric Nursing specialty was started in the academic year 2010 with an annual intake of 4 students.
The college has a vibrant and dedicated team of faculty for all courses and also ably supported by qualified Resource Persons. Its excellent infrastructure including spacious class rooms, pre clinical labs, library facilities, faculty offices, clinical fields and other requirements mandatory for conducting all nursing courses recommended by the statutory bodies (INC,KNC,Governemnt and University) facilities as an academy culture and Research climate for teachers and learners. The college is affiliated to University of Calicut for senior batches and to the Kerala University of Health and Allied Science,Thrissur,for the batches commencing from the academic year 2010-11 onwards.
The College of Nursing believes that excellence in professional nursing education is achieved through a curriculum, which unifies the essential phenomena of interest in nursing: the concept of nursing, health, person and environment.
The college accepts that professional nursing education at its best in an interactive process by which students and teachers, teach and learn from each other in an academic climate of mutual respect and caring.
The institution believes that accepting responsibilities for nurturing learners focusing on developing with the competencies of care giver ,critical thinker,communicator,diagnostician leader,manager,teacher and researcher are essential for the life long personal growth and development of students.
Westfort Academy for Higher Education is another academic spot of our Campus which houses Nursing Colleges and Nursing Schools. All the courses run here are approved by Indian Nursing Council, Government of Kerala, Kerala Nursing Council and Affiliated to the University of Calicut.
The Westfort Academy of Higher Education comprises of:
1. Westfort College of Nursing
2. Westfort School of Nursing
3. Westfort Institute of Para- Medical Sciences ( WIPMS )
To provide Quality Nursing Education which focuses on collaboration, critical reflection and active participation in one’s own learning and creative practice to meet the needs of clients throughout their life-span. Emphasis is given to Professional nursing education built upon knowledge and theory, inquiry and research, leadership, nursing standards and quality professional practice.
To be a community of Nurse Scholars and Mentors, guiding professional Nurses as Nurse Leaders and Advanced Practitioners who are committed to professional ideals, lifelong learning, meaningful practice and culturally competent within increasingly technological health care system and communities.