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B.Sc. Nursing – scheme of examination(New scheme -2016 onwards)

First Year

Sl. No Subject Assessment
Hours Internal University Total
1. Anatomy 3 25 75 100
2. Physiology 3 25 75 100
3. Microbiology 3 25 75 100
4 Nutrition & Biochemistry 3 25(15+10) 75(50+25) 100
5 Psychology 3 25 75 100
6 Nursing Foundation 3 50 100 150
8 English 25 25
9 Introduction to computers 25 25
Practical and viva voce        
Nursing Foundations 3 50 100 150
Total   275 575 850


Second Year

Sl. No Subject Assessment
Hours Internal External Total
1. Sociology 3 25 75 100
2.  Medical Nursing Including Pathology 3 25 75 100
3. Surgical Nursing 3 25 75 100
4.  Pharmacology 2 25 75 100
5.  Community Health Nursing -1 3 25 75 100
Practical and viva voce                 
1. Medical  Nursing 3 50 100 150
2. Surgical  Nursing 3 50 100 150
Total   225 575 800


Third Year

Sl.No Subject Assessment
Hours Internal External Total
1. Medical Surgical Nursing-I


3 25 75 100
2. Child Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
3. Mental Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
4 Nursing Research & Statistics 2 25(15+10) 50+25 100
Practical and viva voce  
1. Medical Surgical Nursing-II 3 50 100 150
2. Child Health Nursing 3 50 100 150
3. Mental Health  Nursing 3 50 100 150
Total   250 600 850


Fourth Year

Sl. No Subject Assessment
Hours Internal External Total
1. Obstetrics & Gynecological


3 25 75 100
2. Community Health Nursing-II 3 25 75 100
3. Nursing Education 3 25 75 100
4 Management of Nursing

services& Education

3 25 75 100
Practical and viva voce  
1. Obstetrics & Gynecological


3 50 100 150
2. Community Health


3 50 100 150
Total   200 500 700


  1. Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing

Mode of Examination             : annual

Course of Instruction

First Year ( New Scheme – 2016 onwards)

Sl. No. Subject Theory (in hours) Practical (in hours)
1 Microbiology 60 30
2 Nutrition and Dietetics 30 15
3 Biochemistry and  Biophysics 30+30 Nil
4 Psychology 60 15
5 Nursing Foundation 60 65
6 Maternal Health Nursing 60 280
7 Child health Nursing 60 280
8 Advanced Medical  Surgical Nursing 90 400
9 English(Qualifying) 50 nil
Total 530 1085
Library/self study 45
Cocurricular activities 20
Grand Total                                                           1680


Second Year

Sl. No. Subject Theory (in hours) Practical (in hours)
1 Sociology 60
2 Community Health Nursing 60 400
3 Mental Health Nursing 60 400
4 Introduction to Nursing Education 60 140
5 Introduction to Nursing Administration 60 220
6 Introduction to Nursing  Research & Statistics 35+15(50) 120
Total 350 1280
Library/self study 35
Cocurricular activities 15
Grand total 1680



Scheme of Examination

First Year

Sl.No. Subject Duration Assessment


Total marks
Internal External
1 Microbiology 3 25 75 100
2 Nutrition and Dietetics 2 15 35 50
3 Biochemistry and  Biophysics 3 (15+10)




4 Psychology 3 25 75 100
5 Nursing Foundation 3 25 75 100
6 Maternal Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
7 Child health Nursing 3 25 75 100
8 Advanced Medical  Surgical Nursing 3 25 75 100
9 English(Qualifying) 2 50
1 Maternal Health Nursing 50 50 100
2 Child health Nursing 50 50 100
3 Advanced Medical  Surgical Nursing 50 50 100

NOTE:* Qualifying Examination

Second Year



Subject Duration Assessment Total marks
Internal External
1 Sociology 3 25 75 100
2 Community Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
3 Mental Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
4 Introduction to Nursing Education 3 25 75 100
5 Introduction to

Nursing Administration

3 25 75 100
6 Introduction to Nursing  Research & Statistics 3 (15+10)


(50+25)75 100
1 Community Health Nursing 50 50 100
2 Mental Health Nursing 50 50 100
3 Research Project*** 50 50


**Internal evaluation only


Other regulations are available in University website www.kuhs.ac.in

M.Sc. Nursing

Mode of Examination             :           Annual

.Course of Instruction (M.Sc. Nursing)

  I YEAR Theory (in Hours) Practical ( in Hours)
1 Nursing Education 150 150
2 Advanced Clinical Nursing 150 500
3 Nursing Research & Statistics 150 100
4 Clinical Specialty I 150 900
Total 600 1650


1 Nursing Administration 150 200
2 Nursing Research (Dissertation) 300
3 Clinical Specialty – II 150 1450
Total 300 1950
Grand Total 900 3600



Scheme of Examination

  Theory Practical
I year Hours Internal




Hours Internal




Nursing Education 3 25 100 50 100 275
Advanced Clinical Nursing 3 25 100 125
Nursing Research & Statistics 3 25 100 125
Clinical Specialty I 3 25 100 4 hrs 100 100 325
II  year Hours Internal




Hours Internal




Nursing Management 3 25 100 125





Clinical Specialty – II 3 25 100 4 hrs 100 100 325
Total of Ist & IInd Year             1500


*    Nursing Research (External):75 marks and statistics (External): 25 marks

** Nursing Research (Internal):15 marks and statistics (Internal):10 marks

***No separate pass minimum for Statistics

Eligibility to appear for examination

  1. There will be one regular and one supplementary examination every year.


  1. Candidates shall register for all parts of examination in their first appearance. As per revised regulation the candidates who have shortage of Attendance and have not obtained minimum marks for internal Assessment are not eligible for appearing the examination. Partial appearances for the Theory papers are permitted, provided the candidate should satisfy 80% attendance in all subjects of the respective examination, including the subjects in which the candidate is not appearing.
  2. The candidates must have 80% attendance in each theory and practical with minimum 50% of internal marks in each subject. However 100% of attendance for practical is required before the award of degree.
  3. A candidate who fails in any subject in the first year examinations shall be permitted to continue the studies in the 2nd However, the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the 2nd year examination till such time that she/he passes all subjects in the first year M.Sc. Nursing Examination.
  4. A candidate has to pass in theory and practical exam separately in each of the paper.
  5. One Internal and one external examiner will evaluate dissertation and jointly conduct viva-voice for each student
  6. Ranking

                  Minimum pass             –           50%

First Class                   –           65% and above

Distinction                  –           75% and above

Rank                            –           will be awarded on the basis of aggregate marks of 2 years and the candidates should have passed all the papers in the first chance.

Practical Examinations
